Monday, July 27, 2009

(Gilla by IQBAL)

"maloom kissay hind ki takdeer keh abb tak......
bechara kisiee taj kA tabandah nageen hai.
europe ki ghulami pay raza mand hova tuu......
mujh ko to gilla tujh say hai, europe say nahi hai."

IQBAL the poet-philosipher of Subcontinent, who played key role in the establishment of "PAKISTAN" had great affection for his country which is visible on his poetry.His thoughts, opinions and advices for the nation he so dreamed of is stored in his poetry for those who can understand them and work there way to reality. Gifted from GOD with great wisdom and understanding powers, IQBAL preserved his voice for the future to hear, understand and use at the right time and right moments.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Useful site for Muslim Writers

Muslim Writers Society:

A forum for Muslims to excahange ideas and help each other grow.